Music now Included!

I wanted to freshen up this blog and breathe some new life into it.

Lately, my writings have been on paper or left unpublished, but I also have been writing music for many years and thought that I would bring the two together. 

I have a new album coming out this summer that I’ll post here and I’ll be posting my old album and some music written by old bandmates and friends as well. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Yellow Heart Balloon

I’m quite tired right now, but now isn’t really the time for sleep. I can do that when back at Sean’s. It’ll be peaceful. Charge the phone and sleep. Hopefully do some laundry too. That would be nice.
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Gavin Goes Swimming

“Huh? Sorry. I was spacing out. What was that?” Gavin quietly asked and then took another drink from his beer.
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Mirsha and the Mountains of Miracles

Mirsha was happy little seven-year old girl. To most, she was considered quite normal. She enjoyed playing with her dolls, running around outside, and pretending to be a princess. She often wore a pink tutu and a tiara, simply because she could, and when she couldn’t, she pouted in an adorable and heart crushing manner. When asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, she would smile real big, showing off her missing front teeth, and reply enthusiastically, “A Unicorn!” then run away giggling. She looked just like her mother; golden blonde hair and eyes of hazel—which some people would tell her were the eyes that fairies had—porcelain skin and dimples straight from a cartoon.
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little lingering drops of hope
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Succumbs the Date

Words keep falling
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wheRe yoU beloNg

Tristan hit the ground fucking hard.
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People keep on writing
__Poetry that sucks
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Castles Turn

Insect love
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