
Dandruff is not the most admirable trait in a person, but it’s definitely not the worst either. Then again, perceptions of admiration changes and differs from person to person which causes for some people to love 101 degree hot summer days and others to love temperatures that freeze water into ice cubes. Just before 6 in the morning, as Abrillo stood on the corner of 17th and Willamette waiting for the bus being covered in white flakes of snow, and possibly dandruff, he decided that he hated this climate and weather. It should be noted that Abrillo thought that the weather was partially to blame for his dandruff. Abrillo had many various theories, most of which held very little in common with reality, but he believed them all the same and there was nothing anyone could say to get him to change these theories. As he saw the bus approaching, slopping slush and salt to the sides of the moving beast, Abrillo turned around and decided to walk home…

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